picture of the day

the freaky thing about this photo is you kinda know what was going on behind these eyes...

jeepers creepers

... take a look at those peepers... i don't like her music (except maybe waking up in vegas) but gosh darn it she seems really nice doesn't she???

dexter season 5 trailer

man, this looks totally awesome...

the best of arnold

well worth 10 minutes of your time...

homer hulk

this is cool... homer mad... homer angry at world...

hey homer... i know how you feel...

the guilt sets in...

okay, so i've been a bit quiet this week on the blogging front... next week might be slightly quiet also... because i won a trip to frikkin' tahiti... in some random as competition... and you are talking to the guy that never wins anything here... like nothing... not a meat pack at the rugby club... not one of those free family photography sessions at the mall (where you just end up paying hundreds of dollars for the actual photos)... nothing...

but here i win one ticket to tahiti... so i can't take my family... i have to go by myself... i feel so guilty... i have a wife that works really hard and i have kids that would love to go to a desert island... i don't even feel like i can enjoy it... i have not been anywhere in ten years... not stepped foot out of the country once since i got back from england in 1999...

so this is just super weird for me...

luck, in my case, is a double edged sword...

batman by a dog

some people have some talented animals... i mean this is pure puppy genius... if this kind of power fell into the wrong hands who knows what might happen...

this bike rules

man, this would be so hard to ride and fit into the bike stand at school, but it's so bitchin' that who would care where it fits...


everyones got one... well, i guess not everyone sadly, but some people have families... and with families come a whole lot of photos that you wish did not exist... heres a website that celebrates that...

russell batman

russell brand is currently shooting the remake of 'arthur' which should be pretty funny if these pictures from the set are anything to go by... go russ...

thats just wrong

okay so i never used to drink coffee at all until a couple of years back... i never used to like hot drinks... then i started getting hot chocolate... then i slowly moved onto the harder stuff... mochaccino... i know thats not exactly hard... not like drinking methylated spirits or that, but whatever... thats not really my point... one of my favorite places to get my mochaccino is my local petrol station... they are really friendly and untrendy and you are pretty much always gauranteed a good brew...

but the other day, man, i really needed that mochaccino... like you know when you are almost aching cause you need that caffeine and chocolate mix so bad... like that mochaccino is going to cure cancer... i ordered it and went and put some petrol in my car... when i came back to pay, there it was... my super large mochaccino, waiting for me... it felt quite hot through the cardboard cup so i didn't taste it... i thought i would wait and savor the taste once i got back on the road to the playground with wilco and bebe... i pulled out into the morning traffic and headed on down the road... i reached down to pick up the coffee from the cup holder... almost drooling at the thought of how fucking great it was going to be... then it touched my lips... flat white... flat motherfucking boring as fuck white... with no motherfucking sugar...

i almost lost it... like i had really needed there to have been a mochaccino in that takeaway cup... and it wasn't... it nearly tipped me over... over the edge... but with my babies in the car wanting to hit the swings, and in a line of traffic, and about 10 to 15 minutes away from the gas station now, i knew it was over... i could not go back... i had to live with the disappointment... i had to get on with life...

"don't be sad about your drink, dad" said bebe... how can you be sad when you hear those words coming out of your beloved daughter... we went to the park and had a good time... and mr whippy was there... life was okay...

but, yeah, if you buy a coffee at a petrol station, just check before you drive off into the world... check that you get what you deserved...

M.I.A. on letterman

this is all kinds of awesome... and it sounds like they are playing really fucking loud in the studio as well... brilliant... letterman doesn't quite know what to say to them at the end...

dexter theme

this is fucking clever... this guy has spent a lot of time not only learning this song, learning how to play two guitars at the same time, but also he's spent some time setting up the perfect dexter-ish murder scene... give him some hits!!!

bonnie prince billy on fox news

this is great... this guy is one of the true originals...

clint howard

this is pretty random... this guy is creepy as fuck...

vincent price on the muppets...

this guy is cool as fuck... and vincent price is pretty awesome also... mmmwaaahahahahaha...


i wonder what it was like to be in prison like 100 years ago... or two hundred years ago... i wonder what sort of dudes you would be hanging out with... like i see no gangstas amongst this lot... but i'm sure they are pretty badass... like the guy third from the left here, at the top... he looks like one badass old dude... the uniforms are great... like with bow ties and shit... and vests... surely though those chains could be used as weapons... i wonder when they made it so you couldn't wear you pocket watch in prison anymore... but then why the fuck would you need one... that would just make it harder... especially if it had a really loud tick... that would be the way to drive a prisoner insane actually... like if you had a really loud grandfather clock in each cell... ticking really loudly and cuckooing once every hour... what a reminder... especially if you were doing life... every tick of the clock would be a another nail in your coffin...

fuck that for a joke...

when i was checking how to spell cuckooing (yes, i do check my spelling, even with all the dot dot dots i still care about spelling things right most of the time) i found out that cuckooing means a crime where a drug dealer befriends a weak, old or otherwise vulnerable person, then takes over their home and uses it as a crack house...

you could go to prison for that...

it's a big pussy cat

man, this dude is fat... he would need like a double cat door... he's kinda let himself go... but then, if you were a cat it would be hard not to... and it's not like you look bad as a fat cat... like if you were a big fat guy sitting there naked like that it would be kinda gross... but when you are big fat cat sitting there it just makes people happy to see you... i wish i was a big fat cat...

pink ukulele

bebe got a pink ukulele for her 3rd birthday... i think she's a natural...

picture of the day

i have always thought that i could and would love to go down in one of those cages with the sharks... but looking at this photo i think i'd be too fucking scared to even go out on a boat anymore... or dip my toes in the water... that's it... me and the beach are over...

am i the only one who hears the jaws music in their mind when i go out in the sea and the water is over my head?

the drones

imagine if the dirty three got really drunk one night and warren ellis decided to play some geetar and do some singing and they had a crack at playing the bends by radiohead... thats what they sounded to me when i listened to their album 'this time' full blast this morning on my way to my call... it's cool that you are allowed ipods in jail now... i swear that little black peice of technology saves my darn life somedays...

check out the drones website here...


i think i am more the anti-rockstar than the rockstar...

mummy vs cat

me and wilco watched the mummy (again) over the weekend and this is wilcos drawing of the mummy being scared off by the cat... check out the cats smile... genius...

fancy dress

heres some fucked up fancy dress-ups to start off the week...

what the fuck?

you ain't going knowhere

these guys are living the dream...

it's the weekend in 5 minutes...

... and what a week it was... fuck...

cute as...

... of course i'm talking about the spongebob lettering in the top left... not the photos...

all i can say is...

... hardy fuckin' har har... at least she's gonna come out a millionaire not like most poor slobs who do a 90 day stretch...

black cab sessions

this is a cool website and a great idea... i have some crazy rides in the backs of these cabs meself actually...

the black cab sessions...

dear tick

really liking these fullas at the moment...

i am evil records...

our advertising sucks (sic)...

another work of genius

wilco gains does it again... i shot an interview with wilco that i should be posting up in the next week or so... an insight on what it's like to be the world's greatest 7 year old artist...

some jim carrey stand up

i don't care what you think... i think this fulla is funny...

ginger ninja...

"if i stand silently here on this railing nobody will spot me"

okay, so i made a mistake...

as a parent you should be allowed some room for error... you can't be superparent all the time... sometimes you make serious errors in judgement... sometimes it's giving your son a dan of coke right before bed... sometimes it's saying that the drawing on the wall that your lovely daughter did is cute... so she thinks it's okay to do it all the time and now you house is covered in cute graffiti...

perhaps though the worst thing i've ever done is show my son who was 5 at the time this music video... my friend rosie reckless sent it to me and it blew me away, both music and animation... wilco loves drawing so why would he not like this video i ask you? well when you go to watch it it says for over 18 only... my daddy alarm should have gone off right then but nooooo... i think it was not just the music video it's self but the combination of the visuals to some pretty spooky fuckin' music... the chorus of "i'll find you and i'll kill you" is hardly the wiggles... doh!!! luckily it was only one bad dream later, but i learnt my lesson and went back to disney pixar films until my son is 18...

i'm sorry wilco... i didn't mean to scare you...

thriller headphones

... these are the coolest headphones ever... if not just simply the coolest things ever... they won a design prize and you can kinda see why can't you... people might laugh when they see you wearing them on the train but you can bet that as soon as they get home they will searching them out on the Internet...

so you don't have to search too hard just go here...

yago horta

i am quite loving this guys art... it's that kind of art that some people say "awww thats not art, it's just splats", "or i could do that, or my kid could do that"... in actual reality though, you can't, they can't and fuck all people can do this kinda stuff as good as this at all... so there...

check him out here...

and also here...

i love my mum...

my mum rules... she was 79 this year and when i called her in dunedin the other night she was watching the first tobey maguire spiderman movie on tv... quite a few years ago when i came home after a weekend of getting wasted with my mates for sunday tea and mum goes "hello dear, i videotaped the new smashing pumpkins song there if you want to watch it"... i recorded my song "i am rock'n'roll" in my mums spare room in mosgiel where she lives... screaming at the top of my lungs and banging on a broken snare drum like a crazy person for all her elderly neighbours and friends to hear, and all mum said was "that sounds a bit wild, dear"...

my mum used to be a singer in a band called the temuka hawaiians when she was 19... they were quite popular in their day, playing all the dances and once playing to about 3000 folks at the timaru sound shell... she was the lead singer and she played a guitar that was strung up like a ukulele... now that's cool...

my mum is my hero and my greatest inspiration... she has done a lot for me in my life and continues to do so... she is one of the most positive and upbeat people i have ever met and although i know stuff gets her down sometimes she never lets to show... i love my mum...

there i've done it... i've blogged about me mum...

christ jesus

you know how a song finds you right when you need it the most... a song you have never heard in your life just walks right up to you and says "hello, here i am"... this version of the song by deer tick is off their album the black dirt sessions... pitchfork hated the record but fuck pitchfork... you should go and buy it now... because this song could become a friend to you too...

picture of the day

i guess he's wondering whats up there beyond the clouds... i guess he's about to find out...

here's one of my favorite nirvana songs over some clips i've never seen before...

some cool covers...

thanks to levis... i didn't know the shins were still together... although there is only one "shin" in the video here... even though that last shins record only had a couple of really great songs on it, the first two records were amazing and i would have to say 'new slang' is one of my top 10 songs ever... i don't know why, but it's just so simple and spooky and sad... and i love the tambourine on it how it twists up at the end... nice final touch... check out the shins website...

poor old mel...

i mean i fukkin' loved lethal weapon when it came out and mad max 2 is just crazy good but the poor old fella has lost his way a bit... me thinks he likes the drinks... check out this great web gallery of the top 20 "mel gibson is batshit crazy" faces... well i never...

i don't know why but...

i've been finding robots falling over really f@#king funny today... i thinking i'm going loopy...

this is the best one... hahaha


okay so i checked out this movie called bronson that my buddy richardo put me onto ages ago... it is the true story of england's most violent prisoner... of course he comes across as a totally likable nutter who looks great with a moustache... in fact i was even thinking after watching this movie late at night that i should go for the same look... lucky for me and everybody concerned that i didn't because i don't look anything like the actor... i actually look more like the real guy seen here with a huge beard and glasses... after seeing what the real bronson looked like i was slightly disappointed that they didn't include him in a few scenes with the big beard version... maybe not so pretty for the camera... well worth checking out though this bronson movie... very stylish like, my son...

i am evil podcasts

just to keep myself relevent(ish) and up with technology you can go and download podcasts by i am evil records on itunes... i just posted a pretty cool shrugs video that i made with some stolen footage from the 70's and also a wigged out guitar freak out version of 'pony' by the demi whores in our old practice space... and then you can watch them really small on your ipod and stain your eyes aswell as destryoing your ears...

go here to check out the podcasts

more bebe art

now a 3 year old, my little girls art is coming along very nicely... she draws great people... i can even tell which one is me in these pictures...

hitler was a ummm prawn?

you gotta love japan... they come up with all the best craziest shit... and this is right up there... also check out the youtube channel that this was loaded up on...

tetsuya ishida

this guy is pretty amazing... check him out here... the rest of the website is well worth a look also...

make your own...

keyboard cat...


i'm gonna start putting out these randomly... it's basically just a little magazine filled with bits off this blog... there might be a few spelling mistakes... don't hold it against me...

download it for free here...