synthesiser patel

this is brilliant...


this to me defines what it is to be stupid...


this one looks almost as effective as the butterfield diet...

lee titt

peter serafinowicz is a funny c@#t... love him...

so your cat wants a massage?

if i was a nice lady who loooooves cats i'd dress exactly like this too...

christmas steps

while i'm at it, heres one of my favorite mogwai clips of the ole' tube...

mogwai... burning...

man, where is this movie? why has it not played here yet...

peter roche

peter roche is an auckland based sculptor & performance artist who has just set up this cool website... he does frikkin' amazing things with light... and he also lives in a really cool old movie theatre which he has turned into a bar, art studio and performance space... a true original this fulla...

edward gains... the last show

these are some bits from my last live show that i did last year... i think i will put the whole thing out with the 'fat skeleton' record... it's kind of sort of nearly done... that will be the last ever edward gains album... so i better make it a good one...

bob dylan deals with the press

thats the way you do it...

whoa dude...

... i'm like totally puking out of my car door...

picture(s) of the day

fuuuuck i love that ramones picture... they are big... click on them and print them out...

hay bro

this is classic... thanks richardo!!!


okay, what the fuck has this guy been doing to himself? i mean, i'm no saint, i took some drugs in my youth, but none of those drugs ever had this kind of effect... all my damage is well hidden... like this guy would have to wear singlets all the frikkin' time... and live somewhere really warm... what a pain...

great blog

f@#k there are some great blogs out there...

heres one of them...

wild beasts

my freind put me on to these guys... the singers voice is something out of this world...

check out their website here...

neil finn

this is a pretty cool interview with neil finn... i have always been a huge fan and the crowded house records ruled my life for a while there... their songs made me want to write music with great chorus'... and i wanted to be paul hester... he was such a great character to be in a band... one of the coolest drummers ever in my mind... i remember at the dunedin town hall when he got up and walked around the rail on the whole second row balcony... they always stuck me as a pop band that were more rock'n'roll than anyone ever gave them credit for...

i have always wanted to meet neil finn but then i think if i did i wouldn't know what to say... the man gives a great interview...

watch it here on a very cool website called rockfeedback...

watch part one here...

watch part two here...

burton and depp

i love these guys...

the strokes vs koyaanisqatsi

this works really well with the strokes... but i have to say that the philip glass soundtrack to this movie is one of my musical biggest influences... i once took a girl that i reeeeeeeeeeeeally like to see the movie with philip glass playing the soundtrack live... she fell asleep... it didn't matter... i still enjoyed the show and liked her even more after that...

quite loving the stokes again at the moment too... that guys voice rules and i am looking forward to their comeback trail...

clinically dead

this guy is great... he's very unassuming for somebody who makes such great videos and dark music...

go here to see one of the freakiest animated videos ever...

pumpkins rock the viper room

it sounds like the latest version of the smashing pumpkins are hitting their stride... with their hot new bass player and 20 year old drummer... hopefully they come here and play somewhere smallish...

check out this review...

hendrix never gets old

man, this is some great footage of the king of electric guitar... i mean this makes him look kinda unreal... like it was shot in heaven... this guy is kind of beyond rockstar... he's in some other dimension to everyone else that surrounded him... you can see why somebody like ole' eric clappers shit bricks when he saw him play... this guy is just as natural as the ocean crashing on the shore or the clouds rolling by... unfucking believeable that he ever existed and wasn't just dreamed up in some impossible dream...

the only thing i hold against him is the sting once said "when i saw jimi hendrix play it made me want to be a musician"... then we might not have even been subjected to those god-awful lute albums...

silent star wars

this is pure genius...

a song a day

KEXP is a very cool seatle based radio station and you can go here to see all their podcasts including some great live shows and the song of the day...

because as you know i love free shit...

new eels video

man i love this guy... it seems like he puts out a new record every six months or something...

this is off his new record 'tomorrow morning'... check out his website here if you have not already...

star trek bloopers

is there anything weirder than seeing mr spock smile??? probably heaps of things but today it's just what i needed to be looking at...


i sound like a total cock knocker on this... hahaha... i was very very drunk though... and all serious and intense and musicany... settle down edward gains, you dickhead...

click here to watch the video...

images from battle of the ad bands

thank you tony for these shots... look at my boy robot child shining in the background there...

i'm still here

okay, so this joaquin pheonix documentary is actually happening... it actually looks pretty cool... but i have to say it looks like it's not real and he's acting... like the best role of his life as himself... it's like "i've quite the movie business and here's a movie about it"... i love that irony...

check out the trailer here...

joel mchale...

... i frikkin' love you, maaaaaan...

bonnie 'prince' billy commercial

this is great... and there are more where this came from...

king creatos

i am playing tomorrow night for the first time in nearly a year... it's battle of the ad bands... i'm in it cause i work for an ad agency... i'm not sure i should bring my "robot" cause it's pretty out there even for me to stand up there with a pretendy robot... but what the hell... it could be funny...

anyways heres my poster for the night... wish me luck...

if only...

... joaquin came out with this... this is dope shit...

10 most badass movie teams of all time

i would agree with some of these... i actually watched predator again in the weekend and f@#k thats still a f@#king great action movie... it's full on suspense and menace and it looks great and doesn't look dated at all...

anyways check out the badass teams here...

some more evidence...

... to prove william shatner rules the earth...

gary newman does ads

thank you to mark e for sending moi this...

taco... live

not sure whats up with me today but heres taco doing 'puttin' on the ritz' live in concert... stirring stuff...

time for some liberace

i don't know why but i just felt like a bit of liberace today... he's pretty classic... check out his copsticks...

diamanda galás & john paul jones

this lady makes pj harvey look like britney spears... holy moley... i looooove her...

and check out a young john stewart as the host...


next to wayne anderson, this lady is my favorite auckland singer... this version of beat it beats everything...

the drab doo riffs

a great band with some great videos... i miss you mf joyce...

don't set me free

some live grinderman... nick cave is looking more and more comfortable with a geetar...


evidently the new weezer record is going to be called hurley... interesting... for me the last great weezer record was the green one... there have been great songs on the later ones but you really find it hard to top those first three albums... i love pinkerton and i saw them at a tiny venue in london when that had just come out... it seemed like it was me and a room full of japanese girls... totally one of my top ten live shows of all time though fer sure...

65 chrysler

man, i used to own one of these cars... i bought it for 400 bucks off some dude named kai in los angeles... when i knocked on the door and he opened it all this smoke poured out of his house... he was a pretty interesting character...

it had a huge dent in the back and i found out later when i went to make it legal that that was put there in a collision with a police car... but it still drove sweet and i went alot of miles in that car with my friends...

that's until we (okay, so maybe it was me) forgot to put water in it just a few miles outside a town called beatty in the nevada desert right near death valley... it totally fucked the engine and we had to kiss goodbye to the car... the mulleted tow truck driver gave us 25 bucks for the air pump and that was it...

still that is one priceless memory, that car, all those miles and everything that happened in it...

david bowie & arcade fire

this is pretty frikkin' brilliant also...


okay... i'm slow to get onto things... these folks have been round a while and all that and they played the big day out a coupla years ago... i know i know... but i listened to this song six fuckin' times on the way home from hell, errrr i mean work today...

"workin' for the church while my life falls apart"

this is a piece of heavenly genius...

this has to stop

bieber mania... it's too fucked up... like the beatles were great musicians and songwriters and deserved all the adulation... and went on to do great things... and it's a shame that their concerts couldn't be heard because of all the screaming, but in biebers case, i would rather listen to the screaming... this guy is not going to make an abbey road or a st pepper... he's not going to start the plastic ono band... he's going to end up on celebrity rehab when dr. drew is like 80 something and he'll be bald and fucked up...

that's unless there is no god...

enter the void

this looks freaky, fucked up and totally fucking awesome...

watch the trailer here...

the killing moon

f@#k this is a good song... and this is cool because it was filmed the week that song came out... like some people would be hearing it for the first time...

if i could wish for something strange i would wish that i could erase songs and films from my head so i could hear or see them for the first time again...


W.T.F??? this is nuts... i can't help wondering how i would feel if this was my granny... would it be cool if she picked you up from school and would all the other kids thing you were awesome to have a granny who has a horn???

would you be freaked out if you mum said "i'm sending you down to granny for the school holidays"...

i wonder what granddady looks like... sheesh...


why not...

deer steals mans wife

this is the best 10 seconds on the internet...

get bitter

okay so heres my latest music video from the fourthcoming edward samuel gains release 'get bitter' filmed on location (at about 3:35 in the afternoon) in papeete, tahiti on july 29th 2010...

as you can see there are high production values on this music video and the crew were well paid...

download the single now for FREE at

one man band

i have entered battle of the ad bands... it's just like me solo against all these other big ad agencies... freaky... alone against the world... just the way i like it... this will be my theme song though...

free music

for somebody that gives away all their music for free, i really enjoyed this...

i'd fucking love it if somebody actually paid for my music for once... but, hell, you gotta put it out there... i had 120 downloads from some guy in brazil the other day... so when i finally get around to playing that brazilian tour, maybe one person will come... heck, they might even bring a friend...

old man speaks

it's weird when you come across something and you think you know the person who wrote it... everybody knows an old fulla like this... just not everyone tweets them all down...

check out shit my dad says here...

tahitian moon

travelling overseas is like a shot in the arm... i had forgotten how good it was to get on a plane (even if it's one of the most uncomfortable plane rides known to man and not made for a 6 foot four inch giant) and just leave dodge... it had been 10 years since i had been out of this country... which is quite a long time in earth years...

arriving in tahiti and feeling the warmth of the tahitian night hit you was amazing... the sound in the airport of a ukulele and a nylon string guitar belting out some anthem of island tranquility was almost too much for me... i was overcome with how awesome this holiday might be... i mean i was a contest winner and i needed to get over the guilt and just enjoy it...

by the time i got to the hotel with all the other winners it was 1am... there was a BBQ feast layed out for us and they opened the bar... had i died in the plane on the way over and not know anything about it??? no i was alive, because i'm sure you don't sweat in heaven... black jeans and army boots were going to have to be cast aside for a few days if i was going to survive in my new conditions...

i awoke the next day in my own room (no sharing which was great) and i switched on the tv and watched the hottest newsreaders known to man read out stories that i couldn't understand... i went downstairs for breakfast which was more mini sausages than i could eat and hot chocolate croissants... then it was off to the beach for about 3 swims, a quick walk up the beach to find an amazingly old run down graveyard (forgot my camera that day) with some chaps sitting around jamming on their ukulele's... then it was back to the hotel pool... i pulled out my bob dylan book but only got through a couple of pages before people gathered around me and we hit the tahitian beers... the rest is blurry history...

the next day, hungover as all hell we went to the island of moorea where we swam with stingrays and sharks and enjoyed another heavenly BBQ on an island that only really had a BBQ on it... was this real? was this happening??? it was and i was enjoying it... i walked around the beach a little bit for a moment by myself to take it all in and came across a bloke with the most expensive camera i have ever seen wanted me to take 20 shots (including 5 test shots to make sure i didn't fuck it up) of him and his daughter... it was weird and funny and he was very appreciative that i actually turned out some good photos for him... i thought about my little girl and my little boy and my wife and i started to feel a long way away from them... i wished they were here to enjoy this paradise with me... they desrved it as much as i did...

the craziness in paradise continued... on the last day i went for a long walk out of the resort and met some locals... a very friendly bunch who lived in a shack on the beach... i thought it was beautiful but even with the language barrier i don't think they were as convinced of tahiti's beauty as i was... i guess living there is a different story... it is an expensive place to live and there is not very much work there and i guess the reality of living in paradise is a little different to four days in a resort all bought and paid for... i felt lucky to be going home to my house and my job, but sad to leave the sunsets...

i filmed a music video for 'get bitter' mid afternoon on the beach about 5 minutes walk from the hotel...

my job was done here... it was time to go home and hug my babies...

p.s. and yes i did blast porno for pyros on my ipod the night i got there...

funny people

this looks like a pretty funny night... these guys must have some great parties...

vampires kiss

man, i love this movie... so much so that part of my youth was spent running around the streets screaming "i'm a vampire!!! i'm a vampire!!!

i have since knocked that kind behaviour on the head but looking back at this film i still love it and i can see why it had such a big hold over me in the 90's...

nic cage has never been so good...

great show

somebody just sent me a link to these images from a show the demi whores played last year... the photo of marcus is great...

check out the rest here...

conways forehead

simple things make simple people laugh... this made me laugh...

japanese punk

this makes me puffed just watching it... wok'n'woll...

i have to admit...

... i have a strange fascination with spencer pratt... he's just so out of control that you can't look away... he's either a total f@#kwit or the worlds most brilliant actor... or maybe a combination of the two... i have watched the hills (doh! did i just say that out loud?) and i just can't work that show out... is it real or is it not... are those real jobs they have or is it all set-up?

i mean, stuff like this could keep you awake at night if you didn't have like real life stuff to worry about...