acoustic pumpkins

the smashing pumpkins playing here in a few weeks... i'll be there...

die die die

this is a farkin' great farkin' live video...

photoshop rules

this is why god invented photoshop...

the scientist

i found this for you, nick... you are always there with me and part of me is frozen in time on that day that we listened to these songs for you...

taking things slightly too far...

this guy wanted to be like dexter... duh... he's an actor not a killer you dick...

read the article here...

i am rock'n'roll live

man, this is pretty crazy to look back on... i kind of remember rolling around on the floor... my pants nearly ended up on the ground too there by the looks... this was fun though... i had a great band behind me that night... it was a one off show with those guys... a perfect moment of madness almost captured in time...

random cool art of the day

there are not enough foxes in modern art...

if i needed you

there are a shitload of acoustic guitars on this stage... too bad they don't all kick into it...

my morning jacket

this is pretty rockin'...

i would totally go to church...

... if this guy was gonna be there... praise the lord!!!

gary flanders... ned oldman

i fukkin' love gary oldman... i'm a fan from way back... but since i saw this on the internet i can't watch him in the batman movies without hearing ned flanders voice... damn you internet...

today is a bit like this...

... but as long as i don't lose my grip ill be fine...

toy fails


the jury is out for me on this one...

could be good... could be shit...

the piano has been drinking

tom waits is one cool mother@#ker...

adam west action figure

i want this as much as much as i want the blacula action figure... this is harder to find though...

check out the bat blog here...

as much as i hate to admit it...

i quite like this song...

this is the only way...

... that i will ever come close to looking like magnum P.I.

winnebago man

this looks like it's got more swearing than the entire series of the sopranos... f@#kin' brilliant...

check out the movie site here...

clever teeth

dimitri tsykalov, the artist who made these must have extremely clever teeth... these are frikkin' cool...

something i'd like to see...

... and something i would not like to see all wrapped up in one... i always thought i could go down in one of those cages but now as i get older i'm not so sure... i would f@#kin' shit myself... but at the same time it would be f@#king brilliant... it's on my bucket list for sure... seeing a great white shark up close... even just to see the fin cruise past... as long as i was on a boat... but then they can jump... mmmmmmm... that might have to be last on my bucket list...

who the f@#k...

... does kanye think he is??? r kelly??? does he believe he can fly??? i'd like to see him try that actually...

cool s@#t made out of lego

lego is so great... it's timeless and it lasts forever... best of all if it breaks you can put it back together... i'm not a huge fan of following a lego plan... that can take hours... i am a fan of freestyle lego though... just making shit up... you're never too old to make stuff up... this stuff above is slightly beyond me... just because i don't have enough bits... but maybe oneday...


you think it's one thing and then it becomes so much more... this is up there with the other 9 seconds of internet wonder that is "deer steals mans wife"...

it's over

yow!!! goosebumps!!!

meat dress

this is so fuckin' funny... as a meat eater and also as a person who doesn't like killing animals (talk about torn) i totally see the lighter side of this dress... it's brilliant and it will have those folks at PETA folks in a fury... even though i think it's rubber... surely... otherwise i wouldn't like to be the one sitting next to GAGA in a hot auditorium...

i wonder if she has meat undies and meat socks???

bobby and elmo

is there anybody elmo hasn't met??? i'm going crazy for elmo at the moment...

the dreaded sea

this is some video of me and wilco playing his song 'the dreaded sea'... this is wilcos song and it's also the name of one of his bands that he wants to start... i think 'the dreaded sea' is one of the greatest band names i've ever heard... personally...


classic blast from the past... this was from the year i waz born... sheesh...

the wolfman

my son, wilco, wrote his first proper song on his 7th birthday last year... and then he made these hand drawn lyrics... as you can imagine, i am the very proud father of a very talented son... i got some video of the songwriting process and here it is... genius at work...

andy kaufman on letterman

this is brilliantly out there... comedy at it's most bizzare... i love seeing letterman sweat a little bit...


cause it's friday and i want to smash things...

my top 5 lynch movies

for me they are:

1. wild at heart
2. blue velvet
3. mulholland drive
4. twin peaks – fire walk with me
5. eraserhead

lynch meets lucas

this is f@#kin' brilliant... david lynch talking about meeting george lucas and being asked to direct 'return of the jedi'...

also here a couple of vintage lynch interviews...