picture(s) of the day

why stop at one i say... it's been a good day visually...

ahhhh so thats what happens

it's nice when you come across a diagram that nicely explains something that you may not otherwise understand... in this case life...

it seems though something happens in between adulthood and old age... you turn from a man into a nice old lady...

i can't wait for that part...

emil nolde

this painting is called masks still life III and was painted in 1911... i thinks it's pretty cool...

pegs to die for

holy shit... i never thought that i would ever get excited about clothes pegs... but here i am... excited as hell about finding these pegs... the perfect christmas gift for the goth that you love... even goths need to go out in the sunlight to hang out their clothes you know... this would at least make that experience slightly more pleasurable...

buy them here...

my kids are magic

we were playing around with some very C grade special effects techniques in the weekend... i think this is really true magic though... i can't wait for them to watch this stuff when they are in their 20's and stuff...

that is the one great thing about technology... your memories are becoming clearer by the minute...

you and i

this is my favorite song off the last wilco record by far...


my good buddy chris has great taste... he has put me on to warpaint... here they are...

fuck you

this is a great song... i love this guys voice... and his band are hoooot...

RIP leslie nielsen

sad news that leslie nielsen has passed away at 84... he was one of my favorite funny people... flying high (or airplane) is one of my favorite comedy movies... and what can you say about his role as frank drebin... the man was a genius and he will sadly missed and still much watched and laughed at for many years to come...

i once drove past his house in the 90's on one of those LA tours you can take... his place had a great big statue of a bag of money outside it...

captain caveman

ohhhh i loved this guy... infact i'm pretty sure this is why i ended up growing a beard...

picture of the day

where there is a will there is a way...

badass badger

if this badger had a movie made about his life he would totally be played by joe pesci... and there would be a lot of cursing...

get wiggy

this is a fantastic wig... it's nice to see it flowing unrestrained by the bandana...


i am not a huge les paul guitar fan, but i can still appreciate slashes geetar collection... this is worth more than everything i own...


the comments under these videos are great... is it a girl... or is it a guy???

this is totally a dude though... look at those hands...

between two ferns

zach galifianakis = great beard and very funny...

and his brother seth is pretty funny too...

forgotten classic

buckaroo banzai... now theres as weird as fuck movie... fukkin' love peter weller aswell...

i heart nic cage

he's made some bad choices but i still love this guy with all my heart...

a lot of the reasons that i love him are embedded in this clip...


life is peachy... i mean it's going really well at the moment... the sun is out and summer is on it's way...

but sometimes there are flashes... flashes of hell...

like last night i flicked onto music television and for a second i thought i was in a horrible dream... one that i couldn't wake up from... a dream of utterly hellish proportions... like there was hot girls in it, but then this guy was lip syncing to a girl voice... like some dude wearing make up... one of those good looking type guys who is so good looking that he's ugly as fuck... i twisted in my chair... i turned in my chair... i slapped myself in the face repeatedly... hell, i even punched myself till i drew blood... trying desperately to wake myself from the worst musical nightmare i have ever had...

then i realised i was awake... and i was just watching the new basshunter video...


... is our cat... molly rules... she wants to eat all the time but at least she is being honest... if i ate all the time i wouldn't look as good as molly...

i am glad that this black cat crossed my path...

the joy of my life...

... comes from being a dad to these two little people...

norman gunston

furk... this guy was brilliant...

how did i just remember him? well i cut myself shaving...

jimmy fallon is genius

this is quite amazing... also his pants on the ground version... have you seen that???

i also want that coat, hat and geetar for christmas...

do the robot

clever bloke...


i have a half arsed mancave at my house... one day it's going to rule, but at the moment it's just uncool... i have a vision...

stevie ray vaughan and jeff healey

anybody remember these guys? i loved these guys in the 80's...

john frusciante and stevie ray vaughan were my two favorite guitar players for a while there... john frusciante still is my favorite guitar player.... stevie ray was the first musical idol i can remember dying on me though... i remember waking up and hearing the news in my bedroom in dunedin in august of 1990... i was pretty sad... he & john were the reason i had bought a fender starburst strat...

i loved the blues in the 80's and then as the 90's unfolded i was exposed to this band and my whole world (and the left side of my brain) got blown apart...

clever as hell...

this is the new broken bells video... it's pretty funny...

this is some classic hall and oats right here though... fukkin' oats, bro...

Françoise Hardy

goodness me...

the secret sisters

i just saw these singin' girls on letterman... wow...

check out their website...

killer voice...

this is way better than the inxs version... this is way better than the version that was on tv... i really wish ronan hadn't made him sing that fukkin' hideous mike and the mechanics song... i hate that song... i wish he got him to sing father and son instead... that would have been cool... altiyan is like the classic underdog... i am still buzzing that he won...

makes me wish this bloke was on the dave narvarro rockstar show a while back... but then do you really want to join inxs?

but then whatever happened to the guys that won that show?

oh okay... maybe this...

and errr this...

wake up westfield

and heres one of his own...

i picked it...

spoiler alert!!! i ruined for myself but i had to know... i knew altiyan would win it though... i am so happy for him... i was happy when stan walker won last year as well... it's the only time i've actually cared who won one of those shows... altiyan though is such an enigma to have on a show like xfactor though... this is a very cool result...

johnny & june for christmas

some classic june and johnny from a 1977 christmas special...these two really had something special going on thats for sure... you can just tell how much they loved each other from the way they sing together...

while we're at it heres some more...

and i found this... this is something pretty special...

the beatles on itunes

the beatles are on itunes...

though be honest i didn't actually know that the beatles weren't on itunes... my music knowledge is slipping... there was once a time when i bought 4 or 5 music magazines a week... now i don't buy any... i have no idea whats going on...

this is a great photo of the beatles though... i know people that hate the beatles and can't understand why they were so great... i just can't understand how you could hate the flippin' beatles... if there was a live concert that i wish i could see it would a beatles concert... with nirvana as the support band... now theres a show...

john lennon is my favorite beatle... this is one of my favorite music interviews to listen to... it's fukkin' epic...

if push comes to shove i'd have to say my favorite beatles song is across the universe... we can work it out comes a very close second though...

(queen) picture of the day

this deserves a pretty shit hot caption... but my brain is mush so i'll have to wait till monday...

whos your daddy?

thats a very fukkin' good question...

random trippy photoshop

interesting idea that... getting punched in the face by your own face...

van the man

while i'm on the glen hansard buzz here he is doing van morrison... i love this man...


this is glen hansard doing one of my favorite REM songs ever... farkin' brilliant...

cezanne skulls

okay, this may sound kind of creepy buuuut... i would love to see what my skull looks like... maybe even hold it in my hands shakespeare styles...

there i said it...

i rolled one of these once...

back in the 90's my first car was a ford capri much like this one, only it was brown... i loved that car... i really wanted a mustang like johnny depp had in 21 jumpstreet but that was slightly out of my price range... my dad lent me the money to buy the car... it was awesome... i loved driving it... but then late one night while driving out to a graveyard in the countryside (as you do) i hit some black ice and the car rolled three times and ended up in a ditch... it was me and my best friend glen ross... glen wasn't wearing a seat belt... we were both unscathed... my glasses had flown out the front window and landed on the road... as i climbed out of the broken window i gazed back on the car with my blurry vision... as i looked upon it i thought that it didn't look too bad... but when glen found my glasses (unbroken also) on the road and handed them back to me everything came back into sharp nightmarish detail... every panel of the car was damaged... it was a write off... looking back i know we were lucky to be alive... but my mum and dad were away that weekend, and in the days before cell-phones i had to wait all of the next day, feeling sick to my stomach, waiting for them to come back so i could tell them i totalled my car... they showed up that night just as macgyver was starting... bugger... but, my parents being so great were worried more about me than the car... and they were not mad but i did feel like i had let them down... my dad got me out driving his car the next day to get me over any post crash phobia that i might have... i will always love him for that... he was a great man... he bought me this car and he also bought me my first fender strat and fender amplifier... i miss him...

the other thing that i remember from the night of the crash... the engine had stopped running and as glen and i sat in the wreckage this song was still playing in the tape player...

speaking of disco...

if darth vader liked the bee gees things might have been different...

white afro

farked if i know where you find your photos andreaus but thank the lord that you do... this guy is like a disco einstein...

the dandy warhols

man, i havn't listened to these guys in ages... i have to admit that i was not that into the last couple of records but i think they have recorded some genius tunes... courtney taylor taylor is looking pretty cool as he slowly ages... i wonder if he's gonna get some work done... i hope not... he's starting to look like one of those classiic hollywood stars...

their website is pretty choice...

rockin' cats

music video of the year? i think so...

thomas hawk

i just stumbled across this guys work on the web... worth a bit of a skim through... i'm sure there is plenty of other great photography on flickr too... if i only had time... if i only had time...

not sure whats going on here...

... but i can't stop looking...

bruno mars

man this guy can sing... and check out the lyrics in the chorus...

i’d catch a grenade for ya
throw my hand on a blade for ya
i’d jump in front of a train for ya
you know i’d do anything for ya
oh, oh, i would go through all of this pain
take a bullet straight through my brain
yes, i would die for ya, baby
but you won’t do the same


some corgan for the month

as i was searching for some billy corgan news i came across this article and also this cool photographer...

why did i not go and see the smashing pumpkins when they were in town recently? what kind of fan am i?