merry christmas folks...

see you in the next decade... not quite sure where that last one went...

i can't believe i left this at home on my way to the desert island... it's hard to pick a "best" wilco album because i love them all in different ways but this has been the most influential... followed very closely by a 'ghost is born'... then 'being there'... then 'am'...

i mean, i love this band so much i named my first born after them...

chris picks: desert island discs

in no particular order... as you can see mystery chris is a man of impeccable taste...

chris picks

this is the first in a new part of the my blog... my good buddy chris, who is way too cool to have a lame-oh blog like this, but who is a style guru and a man who should be heard... so unbeknown to him i am going to start publishing his very cool, very short emails to me... with his hot picks in the world film, television and music...

Saw three good but very different films over the weekend.
Greenberg - Ben Stiller acting (not overacting)
Scott Pilgrim vs the World - one for the (older) kids
Shifty - bit of brit grit

all worth a look.

de niro & hoffman do letterman

this is brilliant... letterman is lost here but then robert de niro is not the easiest of interview subjects... and i mean if robert de niro was sitting in a chair right beside me i wouldn't know what the fuck to say either... possibly the coolest actor alive... this is funny as hell... as funny as a focker even...

old grey whistle test

shit this was a good show...

see my friends

this album looks like it might rule...

behind the times as i am, i only really started digging into ray davies work a couple of years back and found some true gems... he has written some of the greatest pop songs ever and this looks like a really fun record... check out this metallica kinks cover with the man himself... bitchin'...

whats also bitchin' is this picture of metallica playing in the back of a truck on the simpsons...

kitt, get me outta here...

... i'm ready for a holiday...

altiyan childs toon

i did this for my friend... i have made him look like he's got a bit of a fringe though... love altiyan though... merry christmas altiyan...

heres altiyan's old band masonia... i am thinking there will be a reformation...


indeed it is... although i like this version of monday better than the version of monday i am having...

my brain is on christmas shut down...

beck and thurston moore

my buddy chris has been digging up some cool 90's shizzle on the internet... ow yes...

desert island discs

my mate asked me over a coupla beers the other night what my desert island discs were... i had no idea right off the bat... i needed to think about it... here is what i have come up with... it sure looks like i am stuck in the 90's thats for sure but these records are the ones that have influenced me the most... i could keep going but i'll stick by this top ten for now... in no paticular order...

thirty nine

i am thirty nine today... i am not one of those people that gets stressed out about getting older... i mean really what can you do about it??? it's been a good year... i got married... i went to tahiti... my kids are happy and healthy... my beard is massive... i am alive...

it doesn't get much better than being alive thats for sure...

secret of the sea

while i am on that wilco/bragg buzz i came across this on letterman... i love this song...

jay bennett rocking a pretty awesome coat in this one... RIP jay bennett...

one wing

i havn't posted any wilco for a while... this is a great live version of 'one wing'... fuck i love this band...

i also came across this... a pretty recent version of 'california stars' with billy bragg... awesomeness...

binocular soccer

it's a brilliant as it sounds...

now thats hot...

an eyepatch and a gun... phew...

the original human

these are fukkin' amazing...

pa rum pa pum pum

thanks chrisco for sending me thiso... jack black looks great in 2D!!!

christmas for me is all about...

... my kids... i am a very lucky guy... we got these photos taken and wilco was like 'i don't want my photo taken cause it's lame' so that is why we don't have any of him by himself... i din't force him into a solo shot... but i did beg him to have one with his sister, bebe... once in front of the camera though they just turned on the magic...

looking at these photos makes me happier than i have ever been in my whole life...

the beaver

oh jeez...i can't believe this is coming out... is anyone going to go and see this film?

the trailer started and yes, i thought hmmmmm, mel gibson playing a man who has lost everything... that could work... but then the beaver shows up... this is such a crazy idea that i don't even know who could pull it off... but definitly not mel gibson... and definitly not right at the moment...

the only real comparison i can think of to this movie is 'lars and the real girl', which was great... but this looks like it could be the weirdest hollywood idea ever to hit the screen...

i can't wait to see how this does... the world may indeed be a weirder place that i thought and this could actually be a hit...

watch the trailer here...

office stress

yep, it's a bit like that...


saw this band on letterman with some pretty rockin' horns and normally i'm not big on horns... heres that and some other stuff...

Phosphorescent - Too Sick To Pray + At Death (Ukelele)
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download samuel rossi for free NOW!!!

you can download the new samuel rossi record 'cut out the heart of the hopeless romantic' here for free now!!!

jingle bell rock

this has to be my second favorite christmas song ever after 'war is over'... maybe because it reminds me of the opening scene in lethal weapon or maybe because it's just a great song... it's got it all... great drum sound too... and if i had my way sleigh bells would be on every song... if you want to make a christmas song and it's just not working then just add sleigh bells... it's chirstmas song writing 101...

cut out the heart of the hopeless romantic

it's 2:14 in the morning... i have just finished the new samuel rossi album... samuel rossi is my alter ego... he makes "electronic" music... no guitars... once i thought i would invent an alter ego called samuel rossi so as nobody would know that it was me, edward gains, making this electronic music with ummm dance beats... i thought this would protect my image... but then i quickly realised that i didn't really even have an image to protect and nobody gave a fuck what i put out anyway... like is anybody actually reading this shit? hahaha... but whatever, i have kept the samuel rossi name and now the follow up to an album i made a couple of years back called 'electronic nails in an electronic coffin' is released... this new one is called 'cut out the heart of the hopeless romantic'... it's way less complex than the last one and there is a bit more actual playing on it as the last one was mostly just garageband samples... basically it's just me fucking around till the early hours of the morning on synthesisers...

the tracklisting is as follows and it should appear down the side of the page here in a couple of days as a free download once i have made the artwork... if you want you can listen on myspace (although quite annoyingly it won't let you load up really long sing titles... samuel rossi myspace is here... yep...

1. sunshine brings death (break your life)
2. art wonk
3. fat fuck
4. chest of lead
5. every little thing
6. sell your soul
7. we don't communicate
8. funny sip
9. pork bench
10. i love you most in my most important life
11. twin towers
12. living in the darkness dying in the light

*interesting samuel rossi facts: only about 5 people own copies of the first record... it's one of my biggest sellers... and with the last one many of the song titles were just things my son wilco said when he was a little 2 or 3 year old... with this new one many of the song titles were things bebe has said to me... like 'i love you most in my most important life'... how cool is that? i couldn't have come up with that in a million years...

worst band ever?

or best band ever??? I THINK SOOOOOOO!!!

the worlds smallest ever stop motion

farkin' amazing... and now the making...

anyone with this much patience deserves an award...

inspired pantomime casting

the hoff as captain hook... now theres a genius idea...