best action scene... ever...

my buddy andreaus just sent me this... hollywood looks like it could learn a thing or two from bollywood...

sky blue sky

this is a really beautiful version of this song... cool hat too...

this one goes out to my good buddy...

you know who you are... it's been too long between drinks...

wanda jackson

this is a very cool music video... and who is that black haired girl playing the guitar???

and this live version of 'shakin' all over' is pretty rockin' too...


holy heck... i started pasting these in thinking these would be 4 or 5 interviews but it's epic... theres even more than this too... i'm gonna pick my way through these late at night... possibly when i'm drinking... it would be wrong to not be having a little sip of something while watching these...

chris picks: vincent cassell

This guys is an amazing actor - even up there with christian bale... and irreversible is another of those films that should have been in my top 10...

also this looks pretty awesome... an amazing true story...

terrible love

doh! i should have gone to see these folks when they were here the other week...

wilco sings elephant gun

... well, he's not really singing it but lip syncing it at least... we love this song at our house... bebe is not going to like having her naked bum up online in a few years but for now it's funny...

i love my kids... and they are just very cool people to hang out with...

skinny love

this is a great live version of a very cool song by a man with a very cool voice...


i'm sorry, but this is funny to me...


i am little tiny bit hung over... and i forgot about this song... i don't like being hung over... but i do like this song... just what i needed... a blast from the past into my future...

stone the crows...

look at these moes...

whats the bet these guys love magnum pi?

i believe...

i love louis theroux...

and check out his brilliant website... it makes me love him even more...

it's the fookin' edge...

... bustin' out the bald... he should do this more often... i mean it's not like he's deformed or anything under those hats... i think this looks better than that skull cap thingy he's had going on for the last wee while... if not, bring back the rattle and hum era hats... cause those were cool...

but wait, theres still more...

another place to go visit to get free music...

there is even a KEXP curated page... fukkin' KEXP i do...

if you didn't know already i am one of those people who thinks it's a good idea to put you music out for free... why? well for someone like me who never sells any records i would rather have 100 people download something for free than wait around for one person in a blue moon to buy a CD off me that i then have to post out and make up the artwork for... i mean i don't have a warehouse full of CD's ready to go... so when someone does buy something off me i make up the artwork and burn the CD myself... so, maybe what i'm saying is i am lazy... and i am terrible at the business side of things... i am one of those people who shows up at their gigs and DOH!!! i forgot to bring any copies of my latest album...

it is sad though in a way that some well deserving musicians will never make a dime off any of their recorded work these days... especially the ones like me who are too bogged down in their daily existence to even possibly make some money off a tour...

oh jeez... i'd love to go on a tour... like a huge world tour and fuck it, i'd love to sell one zillion albums and have a stage that looks like a giant donut that i would slowly eat my way out of... kinda like 'the wall' but with hundreds and thousands...

it would be my homage to homer simpson because in my mind, i am homer...

super violent lego

really not sure if i should show this to my son or not... i mean it's farkin' awesome but really i should be practicing safe gun control in my house...

when you have a son like i do, one that is into the same stuff that you are, it's hard to not want to overload him with the coolest movies from your youth... but wilco is only 8, so there is plenty of time for first blood and commando... although we have watched all of the indiana jones movies (exploding heads and torn out hearts and all) some of predator and some of terminator 2... so, yes, maybe i am a bad parent...

but when it inspires genius art like this, i think maybe he is going to be okay...

also i make sure we always watch the 'making of' special features so he is always fully aware of the fact that it is the magic of movie making he is watching and not something that is actually happening in real time... it's all in the way you sell it in...

free albums galore

i like weird stuff and i like free stuff... here is a place where the two combine...

this cool runnings one is pretty choice...

weird clouds

aliens??? end o' the world??? message from god???

heres some more...

bono & glen hansard

pretty cool combo... shame it had to be at a funeral...

while we're set to "epic as fuck"...

heres some classic footage of the dirty three... before the beard...

man o' the week no.2

this man has balls... clearly... love him!!!

nana mouskouri

i'm normally one to ask such questions but nana mouskouri: hot or not?

i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say hoooooot... it's the glasses and black hair maybe...

and where the fuck to i buy some demis roussos threads???

the monotonix and the monotonics

my neighbour and good buddy is in a band called the monotonics...

these blokes though are from israel and they are called the monotonix...

both bands have members with outstanding facial hair...