i'm not a fan of this woman...

... or her dickhead (now) ex-husband... i think she represents everything bad about so-called celebrity culture in this current day and age... is hate too stronger word?

big bad wolf...

this could be the most f@#ked up shit i've ever seen...

BIG BAD WOLF duck sauce from caviar on Vimeo.

toby morris

i think this man is bloody f@#king talented and he's done some really sweet cartoons about being a dad... very cool stuff...

oh look...

... it's something you can learn...

night sweats

ryan adams being funny... haha...

i dreamt this...

i never want to be that guy that wishes bad things on people... especially something that stops people from doing what they love...

but this is great news for anyone that hates your body is a f@#king wonderland...

i'm sure he'll make an amazing comeback though...

norris vs lee

check out chucks weird hairy chest, shoulders and upper back... he's bringing sexy back hair back...

4 chords is all you need...

clever buggers... it's jack blacks stunt double...

evil twins

this band rules...