this is some crazy ass shit right here...

tyler the creator... he's awesome...

this is also awesome...

okay, so i started painting...

this must be a mid-life crisis thing... i have taken up painting... after 40 years of living in of fear of the paintbrush i am embracing it... i feel out of control... there is no delete key... no rubber tool... this is my first one... i have nearly finished another... i think, like my music, they will be a little bit rough around the edges, kinda funny, but with slightly disturbing elements bubbling under the surface...

we will see...

awesome video

"Shine" by "Final Placement" (Original Video) from F.P. Shine on Vimeo.

i just came across this on the cheese on toast website... epic video and song combo...

madonna annoys the f@#kin' shit out of me these days...

... what with her ME, ME, ME bullshit, like at the golden globes... but she does make a good cover... more right here...


pretty cool website right about here...

dali on a game show...

too cool... and here are some other cool folks on the same show...

the wizard of gore

this looks like an epic piece of movie making...

this looks like it's going to be really bad...

... but it's actually kinda awesome...

nirvana albums as ranked by NME

i would'a had in utero at number one in this list myself... i just wish there were more to choose from...

beat generation doco... the source

f@#k... part 7 has been blocked...

warhol & burroughs at the chelsea hotel

this is all kinds of cool... i love how warhol has got his walkman on... only he would wear a walkman while in the pressense of william burroughs...

more lana...

she's getting paid out for this performance...

i think it's cool... she kinda reminds me nico...

it sucks how people are picking on her because for one thing she can't sing like adele... but why the fuck are they comparing her to adele anyway? it's so lazy to make that comparison, just because they are two girls... it's like saying lou reed can't sing like elton john or something... yeah, duhhh... no shit...

we are so sucked into that american idol x factor shit where people have to hit the notes in a certain way to get anywhere, that when someone comes out who is kinda quirky and goofy, people just don't get it... they won't, or don't ever want to try and understand... like if bob dylan came out singing with no geetar on american idol auditions he wouldn't make it through to hollywood week...

lana del rey likes kurt cobain... thats good enough for me...

bitchin' house...

i close my eyes and i am here...

lana del ray...

okay, i'm sold...

new slang

this is a great version of one of favorite songs ever... sad and awesome all at the same time... genius...

here is the new shins song with a fantastic fan made video...

and here is some other cool stuff...

REM... a takeaway show

and then some other stuff...

roger kisby

this geezer takes some pretty awesome photos...


one of the great underrated bands of our time i reckon...

bitchin' busker...

this guy rules...

what a coupla f@#kin' idiots...

kids... don't try this at home... or even when you're not at home...

some classic hendrix...

out of sync to all hell... but just smoke a bong and watch it anyways...

lawrence nilsson

as i watched the absolutely f@#king brilliant 'who is harry nilsson' documentary the other night, one of the things that struck me, apart from the total genius of the man, was his striking resemblance (in my mind) to that of one of my favorite singers, mr james milne, or songwriting genius in his own right, lawrence arabia... although much younger, of a more slight build, not as drunken (that i know of) and from christchurch, not brooklyn, every now and then in the film i had to snap out of the fact that i wasn't watching a 'who is james milne' documentary...

so in true stalkerish fashion, i have pieced together these images to prove that i was not (or maybe i am) going totally mad...

i only hope that if oneday mr arabia comes across this blog posting, it does not make him want to cross the street the next time we might happen to bump into each other...

here is the doco in bits but in full... gotta love youtube...