i really like this song... musta listened to it about 20 times today... i don't know much about this band but this has all the elements that i love in a song... a touch of epic-ness... a great chorus... a little bit of screaming... and not one but two guitar solos...
there is a touch of the pixies about them... which is not a bad thing at all...
frusciante is in a class all of his own in my opinion... but i reckon klinghoffer is pretty farkin' choice... also check out this johnny depp film about john frusciante...
below are a whole lot of my album covers... if you click on them then that will take you to the place where you can download them... FOR FREE... the download includes artwork, blog magazine and 'the artwork of edward gains' comic book... also there's a podcast button to push and there you can download a whole lot of music videos and live stuff from i am evil records which is my "record company"... click on the i am evil records logo and that will take you to the i am evil records website... yes, it will...