i watched this movie again on tv the other night... i had forgotten how f@#kin' funny it was... with such dark subject matter the movie somehow manages to be a laugh a minute... or is that just me???
christian bale kinda came out of nowhere for me on that movie because i had not realised he was in empire of the sun... and even if i did i would not have believed that it was the same person playing both those characters... since then he has been so good in so many movies, but looking back at this this movie, i really hope he does some more dark comedy because he is very funny... he has been brilliant from the start in everything he has done... he is his generations de niro for sure... love him... he also seems like a diamond geezer...
also i couldn't help but notice the similarity between this films opening credits and the opening credits to dexter... quite a major tip of the hat to this movie i reckon...