this photo has single handedly destroys everything i ever believed in as a child... and they tell me they were all like this... not just the cast of sesame street but all the muppets aswell... and i'm guessing fraggle rock as well... not that i was as connected to the fraggles as i was kermit and the gang... the muppet movie soundtrack cassette tape got stuck in my dads car stereo because i played it so much... when we used to go out on sunday drives and 'movin' right along' was blasting on the tape deck and i always hoped i'd see that big fork in the road like in the movie...
but i can't believe they are not real... i just thought jim henson was the guy that discovered them and gave them their big break... but it seems that he had more of a hand in their success than i thought... literally... sheesh... i guess now you are gonna tell me santas not real and the easter bunny is not an actual bunny...
anyway, heres the muppets star wars episode... this will make me feel better...