this is pretty cool... perry farrell, one of the greatest rock singers ever, with a bunch of kids at a paul frank store... i think it is so cool when you see kids getting exposed to this sort of greatness at a young age... there should be more kids rock shows around and about the place... not every kids is just going to like the wiggles you know... i'm not dissing the wiggles though as i am a fan... they have not been the same since greg left the group... he was the yellow wiggle... it's pretty tough for any band to come back from losing their lead singer...
below are a whole lot of my album covers... if you click on them then that will take you to the place where you can download them... FOR FREE... the download includes artwork, blog magazine and 'the artwork of edward gains' comic book... also there's a podcast button to push and there you can download a whole lot of music videos and live stuff from i am evil records which is my "record company"... click on the i am evil records logo and that will take you to the i am evil records website... yes, it will...