as a parent you should be allowed some room for error... you can't be superparent all the time... sometimes you make serious errors in judgement... sometimes it's giving your son a dan of coke right before bed... sometimes it's saying that the drawing on the wall that your lovely daughter did is cute... so she thinks it's okay to do it all the time and now you house is covered in cute graffiti...
perhaps though the worst thing i've ever done is show my son who was 5 at the time this music video... my friend rosie reckless sent it to me and it blew me away, both music and animation... wilco loves drawing so why would he not like this video i ask you? well when you go to watch it it says for over 18 only... my daddy alarm should have gone off right then but nooooo... i think it was not just the music video it's self but the combination of the visuals to some pretty spooky fuckin' music... the chorus of "i'll find you and i'll kill you" is hardly the wiggles... doh!!! luckily it was only one bad dream later, but i learnt my lesson and went back to disney pixar films until my son is 18...
below are a whole lot of my album covers... if you click on them then that will take you to the place where you can download them... FOR FREE... the download includes artwork, blog magazine and 'the artwork of edward gains' comic book... also there's a podcast button to push and there you can download a whole lot of music videos and live stuff from i am evil records which is my "record company"... click on the i am evil records logo and that will take you to the i am evil records website... yes, it will...