back in the 90's my first car was a ford capri much like this one, only it was brown... i loved that car... i really wanted a mustang like johnny depp had in 21 jumpstreet but that was slightly out of my price range... my dad lent me the money to buy the car... it was awesome... i loved driving it... but then late one night while driving out to a graveyard in the countryside (as you do) i hit some black ice and the car rolled three times and ended up in a ditch... it was me and my best friend glen ross... glen wasn't wearing a seat belt... we were both unscathed... my glasses had flown out the front window and landed on the road... as i climbed out of the broken window i gazed back on the car with my blurry vision... as i looked upon it i thought that it didn't look too bad... but when glen found my glasses (unbroken also) on the road and handed them back to me everything came back into sharp nightmarish detail... every panel of the car was damaged... it was a write off... looking back i know we were lucky to be alive... but my mum and dad were away that weekend, and in the days before cell-phones i had to wait all of the next day, feeling sick to my stomach, waiting for them to come back so i could tell them i totalled my car... they showed up that night just as macgyver was starting... bugger... but, my parents being so great were worried more about me than the car... and they were not mad but i did feel like i had let them down... my dad got me out driving his car the next day to get me over any post crash phobia that i might have... i will always love him for that... he was a great man... he bought me this car and he also bought me my first fender strat and fender amplifier... i miss him...
the other thing that i remember from the night of the crash... the engine had stopped running and as glen and i sat in the wreckage this song was still playing in the tape player...