i gotta say boardwalk empire just finished last night and it was the best 12 episodes of unmissable tv i have seen in a long time... the story was great, every episode was like a mini film and every actor was exceptional... it's hard to pick anyone out as being the best when everyone was so great but michael shannon's prohibition agent nelson van alden was pretty hard to take your eyes off and every time he was on screen you knew something extreme and creepy as hell was always about to happen, especially as he slipped further off the rails towards the end of the season... michael pitt also as jimmy darmody also took brooding in a suit to new levels of awesome... and of course steve buscemi owned every frame he was in... and i have to mention the clothes... it's the best dressed cast i have ever seen... i am so happy that there will be a season two... a true reaffirmation of how great television can be...
below are a whole lot of my album covers... if you click on them then that will take you to the place where you can download them... FOR FREE... the download includes artwork, blog magazine and 'the artwork of edward gains' comic book... also there's a podcast button to push and there you can download a whole lot of music videos and live stuff from i am evil records which is my "record company"... click on the i am evil records logo and that will take you to the i am evil records website... yes, it will...