skateboard skulls

i had a really bad skateboarding accident quite a few years ago... i was never very good a skateboarding... way to un-co... but went up to the shop at the end of my street... it was like 10 o'clock at night and on the way home i was skateboarding down the middle of the road... then this taxi started following me... there was nobody else on the raod but for some reason this taxi motherfukker thought it would be fun to tailgate me... i was a little bit ummmmmm out-of-it, and after a couple of minutes of this guy right up my ass, i panicked and jumped off the board and came down hard on the road... taking most of the skin off the left hand side of my body... ouch... the taxi just drove off... ever since then i have had a morbid fear of even stepping on a skateboard...

i coulda' been a contender...